Secular stagnation is boring for markets: Stock markets will be flat and bond yields will grind lower. 长期停滞会令市场生厌:股市将持平,债券收益率将小幅走低。
We are not believers in the more extreme interpretations of secular stagnation or deflation. 我们并非长期停滞或通缩等更极端解读的信徒。
That question hinges partly on whether negative yields reflect secular stagnation or a global savings glut. 这个问题在一定程度上取决于负收益率反映的是长期停滞还是全球储蓄过剩。
Currently they are dominating a debate about an apparent slowdown in long-term rates of growth, which generally goes under the name of secular stagnation. 当前,他们正在主导一场关于长期经济增长率明显下降的讨论,这种放缓通常被冠以长期停滞(secularstagnation)之名。
The warning will reignite fears that the world is facing what some economists have called secular stagnation. 这些警告将重新点燃人们的担忧,即世界正在面临一些经济学家所称的长期停滞。
This decline in potential growth leads directly to the debate about the savings glut and secular stagnation. 这种潜在增长率的下降直接引发了关于储蓄过剩和长期停滞的争论。
Others will experience what in the U.S. they're calling 'secular stagnation'-below-potential growth with historically low inflation. 其他国家将经历美国所称的长期停滞,也就是经济增长低于潜在增速,通胀处于历史低点。
Japan is the world champion of secular stagnation. 日本是长期停滞方面的世界冠军。
Is Japan proof of secular stagnation? 日本是长期停滞的例证吗?
Some American economists called the doctrine secular stagnation and braced themselves for a big slump following the second world war. 一些美国经济学家称这种学说为长期停滞,而且已经为第二次世界大战之后出现大萧条做好了准备。
These three concerns secular stagnation and deflation, slow underlying economic growth and rising inequality are real. 这三个令人担忧的问题&长期停滞和通缩,缓慢的经济潜在增长以及不平等的扩大,都是确实存在的。
First, the economic growth that is a necessary condition for rising incomes is threatened by the spectre of secular stagnation and deflation. 首先,长期停滞和通缩的幽灵正在威胁经济增长,而经济增长正是收入提高的必要条件。